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Art and Photography


This is a fairly simple process. Simply email or DM/tweet us your art or photography! More or less, we're open to any type of artwork. Mature content will be reviewed and may potentially not be accepted, depending on the intent and over all possibility for offensiveness.



Due to the nature of our website, we can only accept audio from SOUNDCLOUD.COM. If you want your music to be showed on a public scale, we recommend that you make an account on soundcloud and we'll be able to put it up there. And if you don't have one, well why not make one? It's a great place to get your music out there anyway!

Link us your soundcloud page or specific song page. If you have a particular song out of your personal playlist that you want us to showcase, please specify in email/tweet.



So you've made a really good documentary or experimental short film? A music video? Or maybe you're one of those charismatic people that review things, or give cool hair tutorials or know how to talk about the big issues on youtube or vimeo. That's right, we said YOUTUBE OR VIMEO. All videos must be sent as a youtube webpage through email or twitter. 

Depending on the nature of your video, we will review it and see if it clears through our check-process. (Nothing too grotesque or risky, offensive, blah blah). All videos that sucessfully surpass submission will be put into the website.




Nominating Someone for an Interview


Do you know someone who has significant talent and has contributed to the community? You can nominate that person to have a feature (photoshoot and interview) in our magazine! You have to pitch it to us, telling us why you think they'd be a good candidate. Even if you don't get news that they will be our feature, they can still have a page-segment.


Feature student spotlights consist of a couple of pages including photoshoots and interviews. If you've ever read a magazine, then you'll know what we mean. 


Recipes + D.I.Y Craft


These segments are actually pretty tricky and require a lot of care from our team! If you have a recipe or crafting idea, pitch to us. If we give you the okay, you are to write up a step by step walkthrough and also have good quality photos to go with them. If photos are an issue, please tell us and we'll try to help.




BMTM FIERCE depends on the submissions and contribution of the student body. We need your content: creative writing, artwork, photography, recipes, crafting ideas, nominations for people in the BMTM community to be interviewed, overall ideas--- and so much more!


What are the benefits of submitting? 
- It's pretty to cool to see your creations up there! Any exposure is good exposure.

- For future purposes. It's good to mention that your work was accepted into a magazine, right?



How should I go about submitting my stuff?

We take submissions via email, twitter tweets or direct messages. There's also a contact form located on the CONTACT US page on this very website.  We prefer email or twitter DM due to privacy sake, so that content will not be exposed before magazine publication.


Different categories have their own criteria and requirements, it's a magazine after all! Don't worry, we dedicate our time to make your efforts as easy as possible. Listed below is the individual submission process per category.



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