Beauty Tips - Spooly
As you see this strange utensil is a Spooly. You can either thoroughly clean a used mascara wand or you can honestly take one from the beauty sections of Sephora for make up testing and application (No worries, guys. It’s completely free and isn’t considered stealing!)
How can I use it?
It’s perfect for combing out brows and lashes, you’d think that it makes no difference, but it does! It is a subtle difference. Combing your lashes before applying your favorite mascara really helps separate each lash and reduces the chance of clumping. No body like clumped up, chunky lashes, do they? Especially for the summer!
Another great use is for those who aren’t blessed with full brows and are left with spares ones. When you plan on filling your brows, comb over them, it gives them more texture rather then drawing them on. I helps them look more natural!
As a side tip, you can spray your spooly lightly with hairspray and comb lightly through your brows to keep those stray brow hairs in place!
This little tip is so simple, very generic, and virtually free. Hope this was helpful!
Stay beautiful,