Crystal Weather
As I stand outside,
I see the ice cold snow.
I better bundle up,
because mom told me so.
I look up at the roof of the house
and see icicles hanging down.
I think how beautiful the snow
has made this town.
I love how the snow has fallen
so calmly and softly.
As winter settles in,
the best time of the year
will soon begin.
We can hang out with family and friends,
hoping that it never ends.
We all open presents together,
these are the winter memories that I’ll always remember.
My family is the funniest,
my spirits they lift.
My family is the greatest
and I couldn’t ask for a better gift.
Soon my family will have to go,
but before you know it,
so will the snow.
We decorate our christmas trees,
feeling excited for all the parties.
We have a big meal,
a big feast
and saying goodbye is the part
I like the least.
We celebrate the best time of the year
with each other,
because we always have good times
when we’re together.